In the framework of the KA107 ERASMUS exchange program between the University of Balamand and the University of Lleida, Dr. Rodrigue El Balaa, Chairperson of the Department of Agriculture at the Issam Fares Faculty of Technology and director of the Agricultural Value Chain Development Center, was received by Dr. Teresa Sebastia, Professor at the Department of Horticulture, Botany and Landscaping between May 30 and June 3.

Dr. El Balaa gave a presentation on the "Multidimensional Socio-Economic Crisis in Lebanon - Lessons Learned for the Agri-food Sector" at the Department of Horticulture, Botany and Landscaping. He also demonstrated his team's latest findings on small ruminants' reproductive induction and synchronization to the department of veterinary medicine, with the assistance of Simon Wehbeh (Dr. Vet. Med.). Subsequently, Dr. El Balaa offered a presentation on the topic of "Woman Status in Forestry in Lebanon Challenges and Opportunities" at the Centre de Ciència i Tecnologia Forestal de Catalunya (CTFC).

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As for the PRIMA-funded SUSFORAGE project led by Dr. Sebastia's team, Drs. El Balaa and Wehbeh took part in two workshops on the use of R, the programming language for statistical computing and graphics, concerning the models used in data gathering and analysis for the project of Mr. Jose-manjon Cabezaa and Dr. Mercedes Ibanez. Additionally, the team visited the demo-plot at the Escola Agraria del Solsones in preparation for the harvest at the local demo-plot at LARI-Terbol.

Rev. Prof. Dr. Mirosław Kalinowski, Rector of the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin - KUL (Poland), has recently visited USEK to sign an agreement of academic cooperation aimed at exchanging academic staff and researchers.

During his visit, Rector Kalinowski met with President Fr. Talal Hachem, deans and department heads, discussing various ways to strengthen cooperation and mutual academic interests.

McGill has been named Canada’s best university, according to the 19th edition of the QS World University Rankings, released today by global higher education analysts QS Quacquarelli Symonds. The University was ranked 31st university in the world.

This year’s QS World University Rankings is the largest ever, with 1,418 institutions across 100 locations, up from 1,300 last year.

This marks the first time in five years that McGill is Canada’s top-ranked university in the QS list. Its place in the rankings is underpinned by consistent performances across QS’ indicators. Specifically, it outperforms Canada’s other two top ranking universities in terms of research. It comes 203rd globally in Citations per Faculty while UT and the University of British Colombia come 313th and 332nd.

McGill ranked 77th in the world, and second in Canada, for the second-most international university in Canada ranked 77th in the world International Student Ratio indicator.

QS uses six indicators to compile the ranking. Academic and Employer Reputation is based on survey responses from more than 150,000 academics and 99,000 employers. Citations per Faculty measures research impact while Faculty/Student Ratio is used as a proxy for teaching capacity. International Faculty Ratio and International Student Ratio are used to record a university’s internationalization. This year, QS added two new unweighted performance lenses. Employment Outcomes assesses the employability of students while International Research Network analyses international research collaboration and knowledge transfer.

Canada is home to three top-100 universities, putting it joint-ninth in the world by this measure, alongside Germany and Switzerland.

“Canada has been steady, if somewhat stagnant for the past five years and this is exemplified in the back-and-forth we see in this year’s rankings when compared to last year,” said Ben Sowter, QS Senior Vice President. “However, its consistency is admirable and is often lost amid focus on the rise of nations like China and Malaysia or the decline of the United States in our rankings.”

“Canada stands out for its international scope and has seen international mobility rise steadily over several years. In 2019 around 16 per cent of its student population came to study from abroad. This record is particularly impressive when assessing student access from lower-middle income nations, who now compose 42 per cent of Canada’s international student population – far higher than the OECD average.”

Earlier this year, the QS Rankings by Subject rated two McGill subjects, Engineering – Mining and Minerals, and Library & Information Management, in the top 10 globally.

For the third consecutive year, the University of Balamand succeeds in sustaining a remarkable status in the (QS 2023) World University Rankings.

UOB maintained 2nd place amongst the eight ranked Lebanese universities, validating its distinguished academic status and exceptional educational level despite being the youngest amidst the eight most established Lebanese Universities.

 للسنة الثالثة على التوالي حافظت جامعة البلمند على مركز متقدم في تصنيف (2023 QS) العالمي للجامعات، إذ قد حصدت المرتبة الثانية بين الجامعات اللبنانية الثمانية المصنفة، لتثبت بذلك حضورها الأكاديمي المتميز.

ويذكر أن جامعة البلمند هي أحدث جامعة من حيث التأسيس بين الجامعات اللبنانية المصنفة. وبالرغم من ذلك فقد استطاعت بجدارة أن تثبت وجودها وتضمن مكانة مرموقة ومميزة بين الجامعات.

Thursday, 09 June 2022 15:29

USEK alumini dinner in Dubai

In a cheerful and lively atmosphere, many of the USEK alumni and friends met in Dubai last Friday, June 3, and spent a memorable evening, reconnecting, having fun, and knowing more about the University's latest news.

The first group from the School of Tourism and Hospitality Management (THM) students has made their way to Europe, as part of an internship program fully funded by Accelis Group & THM-UOB.

The internship will allow students to gain first-hand experience in the field of Food & Beverage Operations and Rooms Division Operations in hotels and restaurants.

Accelis Group is made up of a series of companies that cover various specialties: Innovation, Hotel & catering, Education, and Multiservice and Real Estate, such as: Ferrières (l’Ecole de l’Excellence a la Française), Le Baron, Chateaux de Ferrières, L’Origano , and Le Crystal Paxton and many more chains.

عقد رئيس جامعة البلمند الدكتور الياس وراق اجتماعاً موسعاً في الحرم الرئيسي في الجامعة ضم أفراد الهيئة التعليمية والإدارية والطلابية عارضاً أبرز الإجراءات التي قامت بها الجامعة منذ بدء الأزمة المالية التي تعصف بلبنان وإستراتيجيتها للمرحلة المقبلة. وشدد الدكتور وراق أن هذه الاستراتيجية تتمحور حول دعم مكونات الجامعة من أساتذة وموظفين وطلاب لكي يتمكنوا من الصمود والبقاء في جامعتهم وفي وطنهم.

وقال الدكتور وراق إنَّ جامعة البلمند حافظت على أقساط معتدلة وذلك إيماناً بمسؤوليتها الوطنية والأخلاقية تجاه طلابها وذويهم وتحسساً منها بالأزمة المالية الخانقة. ولكنه أشار إلى الأعباء المالية المترتبة على الجامعة التي تفرض زيادة حتمية على الأقساط لكي تحافظ الجامعة على استمراريتها. وأوضح الدكتور وراق أن أي زيادة مرتقبة ستخصص حتماً لدعم الأساتذة والموظفين مالياً ولتأمين متطلبات الجامعة التشغيلية المتوجب دفعها نقداً وبالدولار الأميركي، ومستلزمات البحث العلمي الأساسية للمحافظة على المستوى الأكاديمي المتميّز.

وعليه، أعلن الدكتور وراق أن إدارة الجامعة قامت بدراسة معمّقة لإعادة النظر بالأقساط بحيث سيدفع الطلاب ما بين الـ20% و الـ25% من أقساطهم بالدولار الأميركي “الفريش”، على أن يسدد الباقي بالليرة اللبنانية بسعرٍ يتراوح بين الـ3500 و الـ 4000 ليرة لبنانية.


وفي حين أن معظم الجامعات الأخرى أعلنت أنها ستتقاضى الأقساط كاملةً بالدولار الأميركي، شدد الدكتور وراق أنَّ هذه النسبة لا تزال قيد الدرس قبل إقرارها نهائياً من قبل إدارة الجامعة. وختم الرئيس عرضه مؤكداً أن الجامعة ستخصص كل إيراداتها من هذه الزيادة لدعم معاشات الأساتذة والموظفين ولدعم الطلاب من خلال زيادة نسبة المساعدات والمنح المالية.

ثم أفسح الدكتور وراق المجال للأسئلة والتي تطرَّقت بمجملها إلى الصعوبات التي تعاني منها كافة شرائح المجتمع البلمندي وسبل معالجتها بما يرضي الجميع.


The Middle East Institute of Health University Hospital (MEIH) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with The University of Balamand (UOB) to become a university medical center.

The ceremony was held at the hospital's premises in Bsalim in the presence of H.E. Dr. Firass Abiad, The Minister of Public Health, Dr. Walid Salmoun, the Director of MEIH; Dr. Elias Warrak, President of UOB; Dr. Sami Azar, Vice President for Medical Affairs and Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Medical Sciences at UOB; in addition to a host of healthcare unions, representatives, doctors, and UOB deans and directors.

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This agreement stems from the mutual commitment of both parties to building a better healthcare system in the country. The ultimate aim is to deliver excellence and ensure that quality medical services are available to as much of the Lebanese population as possible.

أصدرت سفارة اليابان في لبنان عبر صفحة سفيرها على تويتر تقديم الحكومة اليابانية منحاً دراسية
‏للراغبين في الدراسة في اليابان والمهتمين بالثقافة، تقدم الحكومة اليابانية ثلاث برامج منح للطلاب اللبنانيين:
- مرحلة الأبحاث والدراسات العليا
- المرحلة الجامعية
- مرحلة الكليات التقنية

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