Actuarial Science Major, Unlocking the World of Risk Analysis

Actuarial Science Major, Unlocking the World of Risk Analysis

By Gaby Yazigi Editor-in-Chief  Globe University Guidance founder and GM In our complex and interconnected world, understanding and managing risk is of utmost importance. This is where actuarial science…
Pursuing a Master’s Degree in Neuroscience: Unleashing the Potential of the Human Brain

Pursuing a Master’s Degree in Neuroscience: Unleashing the Potential of the Human Brain

By Gaby Yazigi Editor-in-Chief  Globe University Guidance founder and GM In today’s rapidly advancing world, the study of the human brain has become increasingly important. Neuroscience, the scientific exploration…
Pursuing a Veterinary Major A Path to Fulfillment and Service

Pursuing a Veterinary Major A Path to Fulfillment and Service

By Gaby Yazigi Editor-in-Chief  Globe University Guidance founder and GM Choosing a major is one of the most significant decisions in one's academic journey. If you possess a genuine…
كلية السياحة والسفر في جامعة المدينة

كلية السياحة والسفر في جامعة المدينة

لقاء مع الطالبات في الكليّة يشرحن لماذا إخترن هذا الإختصاص لماذا قررتنّ الالتحاق بكلية السياحة والسفر؟من الملاحظ ان القطاع السياحي في لبنان يعد من أهم القطاعات الفاعلة والمنتجة…
l’Institut Supérieur des Sciences de l’Assurance (ISSA) à l’USJ

l’Institut Supérieur des Sciences de l’Assurance (ISSA) à l’USJ

Globe: Pourquoi avez-vous choisi d’étudier les assurances à l’USJ ? Maya: J’ai été conseillée par un parent sur les bienfaits d’une spécialisation en assurances. Il m’avait même transmis…
Globe Magazine a posé 10 questions à un étudiant en médecine

Globe Magazine a posé 10 questions à un étudiant en médecine

Maroun Bechara  Université Saint Esprit de Kaslik-USEK 2ème année de spécialisation ORL(Otho-Rhino-Laryngologiste) Résident de spécialité (Eye and Ear) Globe: Comment devenir médecin?Quelles sont les étapes de ce processus? Maroun: Devenir…
Globe Magazine a posé 10 questions à une étudiante en médecine

Globe Magazine a posé 10 questions à une étudiante en médecine

Stéphanie Yaacoub de l’Université de Balamand 6ème année de médecine (MED3) Aux yeux de la société les medecins touchent beaucoup d’argent; bien entendu ceci n’est pas pour déplaire aux étudiants…
Graduates Follow Outstanding Careers Ambassadors of The School of Tourism and Hospitality Management At Balamand

Graduates Follow Outstanding Careers Ambassadors of The School of Tourism and Hospitality Management At Balamand

"The reason I pursued hospitality and tourism was the variety of career opportunities that lies inside this sector." “In my high school years, I wanted to study biology but…
Graduates Follow Outstanding Careers Ambassadors of The School of Tourism and Hospitality Management At of Balamand

Graduates Follow Outstanding Careers Ambassadors of The School of Tourism and Hospitality Management At of Balamand

"I see myself as general manager which is the dream of every" “I have chosen Hospitality and Tourism Management as a major since I am a person who likes to be…
Graduates Follow Outstanding Careers Ambassadors of The School of Tourism and Hospitality Management At Balamand

Graduates Follow Outstanding Careers Ambassadors of The School of Tourism and Hospitality Management At Balamand

 "The first person who encouraged me towards hospitality was my father. He said, in our country Lebanon, it is the most dominant sector and it will never cease…
Graduates Follow Outstanding Careers Ambassadors of The School of Tourism and Hospitality Management At Balamand

Graduates Follow Outstanding Careers Ambassadors of The School of Tourism and Hospitality Management At Balamand

"I used to tell my instructors that when I grow up I will be a Food & Beverage manager" “Since I was young, I wanted to work in…
Graduates Follow Outstanding Careers Ambassadors of The School of Tourism and Hospitality Management At Balamand

Graduates Follow Outstanding Careers Ambassadors of The School of Tourism and Hospitality Management At Balamand

        "I grew up to be a people’s person, pretty sociable, and that helps a lot in a major like hospitality and tourism" “Since I…