University of Balamand UOB Department of English Language and Literature

An Overview The Department of English Language and Literature consists of professors who are a mix of Lebanese and foreign nationals. The Bachelor of Arts (BA) in English…

University of Balamand UOB Department of Education

Have you ever considered becoming… a Teacher who allows students to critically approach new situations, inventions and discoveries? an Educator who is an essential person directly responsible for…

University of Balamand UOB Department of Mass Media and Communication

Learn To Do What You love So that you May Love What You Do The mission of the program is to provide students with the necessary competitive edge…

University of Balamand UOB Department of Psychology

If you like careers in help and care, communication, social sciences and community involvement than psychology is for you. The Department of Psychology aims at providing a scholarly…

Journalism Major AUL – Kaslik (104 credits)

Journalists and Other Writers research and compile news stories, write and edit news reports, commentaries and feature stories for presentation in print and electronic media, and compose written…

Université de Balamand UOB Département de Langue et de Littérature Françaises

Si c’est l’amour des lettres et le souci de mieux comprendre la relation au monde qui vous ont conduits à faire un pas vers nous, Si c’est la…

كلية الهندسة وتكنولوجيا المعلومات والدراسات البحرية في جامعة المنار في طرابلس

كلية الهندسة وتكنولوجيا المعلومات والدراسات البحرية في جامعة المنار في طرابلس توفرللطلابها عدداً لا يستهان به من الإختصاصات الهندسية التي تتواءم مع الحاجة في سوق العمل. نعرض في…

كلية الصحة العامة في جامعة المنار في طرابلس

الصحة العامة هي علم وفن الوقاية من الأمراض والإرتقاء بالصحة جسدياً، نفسياً،اجتماعياّ وتأمين الرفاه للمواطنين من خلال الجهود التي تبذل من محترفي الصحة العامة ذات المعرفة والخبرة العملانية…

Graphic Design Un Métier qui Fait Rêver

Le Graphiste crée une image pour faire passer un message En quoi consiste le métier de Graphic Design ? Ce métier est tout sauf monotone. Le design graphique…

Civil Engineering Job Description

Civil engineers plan types of structures, including buildings and highways. They work with architects on design and focus a great deal on safety, determining the best materials and…

L’Institut Supérieur des Sciences Infirmières (ISSI)

L’Institut Supérieur des Sciences Infirmières (ISSI) a été fondé en 1999. Situé au Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Notre Dame des Secours (CHU-NDS) de Jbeil, l’ISSI est rattaché à la…

Faculté d’Agronomie et des Sciences Vétérinaires A L’Université Libanaise

Historique La faculté du génie agronomique et des sciences vétérinaires à l’université libanaise a vu le jour en 1985. La faculté est composée d’un grand bâtiment situé à…