افتتحت جامعة البلمند أكاديمية الياس الرحباني في حرمها في الكورة في 18 نيسان 2024 برعاية وحضور صاحب الغبطة البطريرك يوحنّا العاشر بطريرك أنطاكيا وسائر المشرق للروم الأرثوذكس، دولة رئيس مجلس الوزراء السابق الأستاذ تمام سلام، دولة نائب رئيس مجلس النواب الأستاذ الياس بو صعب، معالي وزير الثقافة القاضي محمد مرتضى، معالي وزيرة الدفاع السابقة السيدة زينة عكر، رئيس جامعة البلمند الدكتور الياس وراق، الأستاذ غسان رحباني، عدد كبير من الشخصيّات السياسيّة، الدينيّة، الفنيّة، التربويّة، والإعلاميّة، العمداء والمدراء في الجامعة، بالإضافة إلى حضور لافت لأبناء المنطقة.
يعكس هذا التعاون بين جامعة البلمند وأكاديمية الياس الرحباني الهدف الثقافي المشترك للمؤسّستين الرامي إلى تعزيز الحياة الثقافية والموسيقية ونشر الفنّ الراقي، وخاصة موسيقى ونهج الأستاذ الراحل الياس الرحباني، عبر توفير العلوم الموسيقية لكافّة الأعمار وفي العديد من المجالات ومنها الغناء الغربي والشرقي، آلات موسيقية متنوّعة، فنون الرقص والمسرح وغيرها.

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كما تحرص الأكاديمية، وبالتوافق مع رؤية جامعة البلمند، على التعاون مع أجدر الأساتذة والموسيقيين لتوفير أجود المستويات التعليمية للطلاب الراغبين في إتمام دراستهم الموسيقية. ويشرف الأستاذ غسان رحباني على المسيرة الموسيقية والتنشئة التعليمية لجميع الطلاب الملتحقين بالأكاديمية بالإضافة إلى سعيه الكبير لتقديم الدعم الموسيقي للطلاب الموهوبين في الأكاديمية. وتجدر الإشارة إلى أنّ الشهادات الممنوحة من قبل أكاديمية الياس الرحباني مصدّقة من وزارة التربية.
في كلمته، أشاد غبطة البطريرك يوحنا العاشر بالظاهرة الرحبانية التي "صبغت الكلمة وعمدتها بالشعرِ وميرنتها بالنغم فأرقصتها لحناً على شفاه الأجيال". وعبّر: "نطلّ اليوم لنفتتح هذه الأكاديمية محاولين أن نتلمّس روح موسيقى الياس الرحباني جسداً عبر هذه الأكاديمية، جسداً من خلاله نلج إلى أعماق هذا الكبير. نطلّ اليوم لنحيّي إرث الياس الرحباني بشخص ابنه العزيز غسان الذي أوجد فكرة أكاديمية الياس الرحباني وجسّدها مع الجامعة في البلمند".
أما معالي الوزير مرتضى فأشاد بجامعة البلمند كمنارة علوم وأدب ولاهوت، مثنياً على دورها في صقل معرفة طلّابها وتوسيع آفاقهم الفكرية والعلمية والثقافية. وعن إفتتاح أكاديمية الياس الرحباني في جامعة البلمند، أعلن: "اليوم تشرّع جامعة البلمند أبوابها لمزيد من المسؤولية التربوية والثقافية. فتستضيف في رحابها أكاديمية الياس الرحباني للموسيقى، كي تضيف إلى أبعاد رسالتها المتعدّدة المقاصد سلّما موسيقيّا يرتقي عليه الطلاب إلى معالم الخير والجمال والسلام."

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وقد شدّد الدكتور وراق على أهميّة إنضمام أكاديمية الياس الرحباني إلى كنف العائلة البلمندية، إذ يجسّد هذا التعاون قناعة وإيمان جامعة البلمند بدور مؤسّسات التعليم العالي في الحفاظ على إرث الوطن وتراثه الحضاري. وأضاف: "إنّنا اليوم لا نقيم تكريماً للياس الرحباني فحسب، وإنّما نتكّرم بوجود فنّه بيننا، فنّاً أصيلاً راقياً بتنا نفتقده في زمن الهرطقة والإنحطاط الفنّي. نعم إنّه لواجب علينا، كما على جميع المؤسّسات الثقافية والتربوية، أن نحافظ على هذا الإرث النفيس والتراث الأصيل".
وبدوره وجّه الأستاذ غسان رحباني رسالة لروح والده الراحل قائلاً: "إنّنا نفتتح اليوم الصرح الرابع لأكاديمية الياس الرحباني في رحاب جامعة البلمند المحترمة، ولكنّنا وللمرّة الأولى نفتتح أكاديميّتك وأنت غائباً عنّا". وأضاف: "أعدك، بإسمي وإسم العائلة، بأن نعمل دوماً على تحقيق لبنان الذي حلمت به ورسمته في وجدانك". كما وعبّر عن سروره الكبير وإعتزازه بهذا التعاون مع جامعة البلمند الذي يهدف بشكل أساسي إلى إحياء وجه لبنان الثقافي عبر نشر الثقافة على مختلف الأصعدة.
وقد اختتم حفل الإفتتاح بجولة للحضور في أقسام الأكاديمية.

Graphic design is a dynamic and versatile field that blends creativity with technical skills to communicate messages visually. From advertising to web design, packaging to brand identity, graphic designers play a crucial role in shaping the visual landscape of our world. For those considering a major in graphic design, it offers a gateway to a rewarding and diverse career path.

Understanding the Graphic Design Major

A graphic design major typically encompasses a blend of art, technology, and communication courses. Students learn how to use various design software tools such as Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign to create visually appealing layouts, illustrations, and digital graphics. They also delve into principles of typography, color theory, and composition to effectively convey messages through design.


Moreover, the curriculum often includes courses in digital media, web design, and user experience (UX) design to equip students with skills relevant to the ever-evolving digital landscape. Many programs also emphasize the importance of conceptual thinking and problem-solving, encouraging students to develop a strong design process that underpins their creative work.

Job Description and Opportunities

With a degree in graphic design, graduates can pursue a wide range of career opportunities across various industries. Here are some common job roles:

Graphic Designer

The most traditional role, graphic designers create visual concepts using computer software or by hand to communicate ideas that inspire, inform, or captivate consumers. They develop the overall layout and production design for advertisements, brochures, magazines, and corporate reports.

Web Designer

Web designers focus on creating engaging and user-friendly interfaces for websites. They combine graphic design skills with knowledge of coding languages such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to design and maintain visually appealing and functional websites.

Art Director

 Art directors are responsible for the overall visual style and imagery used in publications, advertising, and media. They oversee the work of other designers and artists, ensuring that the visual elements align with the desired message and brand identity.


UX/UI Designer

User experience (UX) and user interface (UI) designers focus on creating intuitive and seamless digital experiences for users. They conduct research, create wireframes and prototypes, and collaborate with developers to design interfaces that enhance usability and satisfaction.

Brand Identity Designer

Brand identity designers develop visual identities for companies and organizations, to including logos, color palettes, and typography. They ensure that the visual elements accurately reflect the brand's values and resonate with its target audience.


A major in graphic design offers a blend of artistic expression and practical skills that prepare students for a variety of creative careers. Whether working in advertising agencies, design studios, or as freelance professionals, graphic designers have the opportunity to shape the visual world around us. With the increasing demand for digital content and online experiences, the relevance and importance of graphic design in today's society continue to grow, making it an exciting and fulfilling field to explore.

By Gaby Yazigi
  Globe University Guidance founder and GM

In our complex and interconnected world, understanding and managing risk is of utmost importance. This is where actuarial science comes into play. Actuaries are highly skilled professionals who use mathematical and statistical tools to analyze and predict financial risks. Pursuing a major in actuarial science can lead to a rewarding and intellectually stimulating career. In this article, we will delve into the world of actuarial science, exploring the major and shedding light on its job description.

Actuarial Science Major
An actuarial science major focuses on equipping students with a strong foundation in mathematics, statistics, economics, and finance. The curriculum typically includes courses such as probability theory, financial mathematics, insurance theory, risk management, and data analysis. Students gain a deep understanding of quantitative methods and the ability to apply them to evaluate risk in various industries, such as insurance, finance, pension management, healthcare, and consulting.

Job Description
Actuaries play a vital role in assessing and managing risk for organizations. Their primary responsibility is to analyze data, build models, and make predictions to help companies make informed decisions. Here are some key job responsibilities of an actuary:

1. Risk Assessment
Actuaries analyze historical data and use statistical methods to evaluate the likelihood and potential impact of future events. Through sophisticated modeling techniques, they assess risk exposure and help organizations develop strategies to mitigate these risks.

2. Pricing and Product Development
In the insurance industry, actuaries determine the pricing of policies by calculating risks and estimating potential claims. They also contribute to the development of new insurance products aligned with market trends and customer demands.

3. Financial Planning and Retirement Analysis
Actuaries are involved in creating retirement plans and predicting the financial implications of governmental policies or economic changes. They help individuals and businesses navigate complex pension and investment decisions by estimating future cash flows and recommending suitable strategies.

4. Data Analysis and Management
Actuaries are proficient in data analysis, using advanced mathematical and statistical techniques to interpret and communicate complex information. They collect and process data, build predictive models, and monitor their accuracy over time.

5. Regulatory Compliance
Actuaries ensure compliance with legal and regulatory guidelines, especially in industries such as insurance. They assist companies with risk reporting, reserve calculations, and actuarial obligations stipulated by regulatory bodies.

Benefits of Pursuing an Actuarial Science Major
1. High Demand and Job Security
The demand for qualified actuaries is consistently high, with a projected growth rate above the average for all occupations. Job security is generally strong due to the specialized nature of the profession and the need for actuarial expertise in risk management.

2. Lucrative Compensation
Actuaries are well-compensated for their expertise. The profession offers competitive salaries and benefits, reflecting the high level of skill and knowledge required.

3. Intellectual Challenge
Actuarial work involves complex problem-solving and critical thinking. Professionals continually tackle new challenges and stay updated with evolving industry trends, making the career intellectually stimulating and rewarding.
Which actuary makes the most money?
The highest-paid actuaries are
• Chief Actuaries.
• Principal Actuaries.
• Partner Actuaries.
• Lead Consultants.
• Investment Actuaries.

The actuarial science major provides an excellent opportunity for individuals passionate about mathematics, statistics, and risk analysis. As an actuary, you can leverage your skill set to assess and manage risks for a range of organizations. By pursuing this major, you can find yourself in a growing field with a rewarding career that offers intellectual satisfaction, job security, and excellent compensation. So, if you are interested in analyzing and predicting the future of financial risks, actuarial science might just be the perfect fit for you.

By Gaby Yazigi
  Globe University Guidance founder and GM

In today’s rapidly advancing world, the study of the human brain has become increasingly important. Neuroscience, the scientific exploration of the brain and its functions, has captured the curiosity of many. Pursuing a Master’s degree in Neuroscience offers students a unique opportunity to delve deeper into this fascinating field and contribute to our understanding of the brain’s complexities. In this article, we will explore the potential career paths, as well as the job description, that await graduates in the field of neuroscience.

Career Paths in Neuroscience
1. Research Scientist
Graduates with a Master’s degree in Neuroscience often find employment in research institutes, universities, and pharmaceutical companies. They engage in cutting-edge research to unravel the mysteries of the brain, studying various aspects such as neural development, cognitive processes, and neurodegenerative disorders. Through experiments, data collection, and analysis, research scientists contribute to the advancement of knowledge in the field.
2. Clinical Neuroscientist
A Master’s degree in Neuroscience can also pave the way for a career as a clinical neuroscientist. These professionals work closely with medical teams to diagnose and treat neurological disorders, such as epilepsy, Alzheimer’s disease, and stroke. They utilize their extensive knowledge of the brain’s structure and functioning to provide valuable insights for patient care and treatment plans.
3. Neuropharmacologist
Neuropharmacologists play a crucial role in the pharmaceutical industry. With their expertise in neuroscience, they focus on developing and testing drugs that target the brain. By studying the effects of different compounds on brain function, neuropharmacologists contribute to the development of medications for a wide range of neurological disorders.
4. Neuropsychologist
Master’s graduates in Neuroscience can pursue a career as a neuropsychologist. These professionals assess and study the relationship between brain function and behavior. By conducting assessments and interviews, they help diagnose and treat individuals with cognitive impairments, psychological disorders, and neurological conditions. Neuropsychologists work in hospitals, rehabilitation centers, research institutions, and private practice.

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Job Description in Neuroscience
Regardless of the specific career path chosen, professionals with a Master’s degree in Neuroscience will engage in various activities, including:
1. Conducting Experiments
Neuroscientists are required to design and conduct experiments to test hypotheses and gather data. This involves a range of techniques, such as MRI scans, electrophysiology, behavioral assessments, and molecular analysis. These experiments help uncover vital insights into brain function and characterize complex neurobiological processes.
2. Data Collection and Analysis
Accurate data collection is essential in neuroscience research. Researchers meticulously analyze collected data using statistical methods and specialized software. The analysis allows for the identification of specific patterns, trends, and correlations, which are then interpreted to draw meaningful conclusions.
3. Literature Review
Neuroscientists must keep up-to-date with the latest research findings and advancements in the field. Conducting literature reviews allows them to understand current theories, methodologies, and gaps in knowledge. This helps guide their own research and contributes to the broader understanding of neuroscience.
4. Collaboration and Communication
Effective collaboration and communication skills are vital in the field of neuroscience. Researchers often collaborate with other scientists, clinicians, and professionals in related disciplines to exchange ideas and expertise. Additionally, they may present their findings at conferences, publish research articles in scientific journals, and engage in public outreach to share their discoveries with the wider community.
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Pursuing a Master’s degree in Neuroscience offers an exciting pathway into a field filled with incredible opportunities for research, discovery, and impact. From unraveling the mysteries of the brain to developing treatments for neurological disorders, neuroscientists play a vital role in pushing the boundaries of human knowledge and improving lives. If you have a passion for understanding and unlocking the potential of the human brain, a Master’s degree in Neuroscience may be the ideal educational pathway for you.

 روى منجي الباوندي، أحد الفائزين بجائزة #نوبل الكيمياء لعام 2023 الأربعاء، أنه رسب في أول امتحان له في الجامعة، في حادثة كانت لـ"تدمّره" لكنها علّمته درساً في "المثابرة".
وقال هذا الأستاذ في معهد ماساتشوستس للتكنولوجيا (أم أي تي)، المولود في فرنسا لأب تونسي لكنه عاش معظم حياته في الولايات المتحدة، خلال مؤتمر صحافي "كنت معتاداً على عدم التحضير للامتحانات".

خلال امتحانه الأول في جامعة هارفارد، حيث بدأ دراساته العليا، عاش هذا الكيميائي تجربة تحاكي تجارب كثيرين حول العالم.

وقال "نظرتُ إلى السؤال الأول ولم أتمكّن من الإجابة عليه. والأمر نفسه مع السؤال الثاني. وحاولتُ الإجابة على جميع الأسئلة، لكن في النهاية حصلتُ على درجة 20 من 100"، "وقد كانت أدنى درجة في الفصل".

وقال الكيميائي البالغ 62 عاماً، ضاحكاً "قلتُ لنفسي يا إلهي، هذه النهاية بالنسبة لي، ماذا أفعل هنا؟".

وأدرك بعدها أهمية التحضير الجيّد للامتحانات.

وأشار الباوندي إلى أن هذه التجربة كان يمكن أن "تدمّره"، مضيفاً "كان يمكن أن أقرّر أن هذا (التخصص) ليس مناسباً لي، لكنني كنت أحبُّ ما أفعله، لذلك تعلمتُ النجاح كطالب".

وفاز منجي الباوندي الأربعاء مع عالمَين آخرَين بجائزة نوبل في الكيمياء لعام 2023 عن بحوثهم حول جسيمات نانوية تسمى النقاط الكمومية، تُستخدم حالياً على نطاق واسع، حتى في أجهزة التلفزيون.

ونصح الباوندي طلاب اليوم بالحرص على "التفتح الذهني" والإبقاء على "الفضول" الذي يشكل "مفتاح العلم".

وأضاف "النكسات جزء من البحث، وهي جزء من الحياة"، و"عليكم الاستمرار في المحاولة، والقيام بما يثير اهتمامكم".
الكلمات الدالة

 توجّت جائزة #نوبل للطب أبحاث المجرية كاتالين كاريكو وزميلها الأميركي درو وايسمان في شأن استحداث اللقاحات القائمة على تقنية الحمض النووي الريبي المرسال mRNA والتي كان لها دور أساسي في التوصل إلى اللقاحات المضادة لكوفيد-19.
وأوضحت اللجنة المولجة اختيار الفائزين أن الباحثَين اللذين كانا بين المرشحين الأوفر حظاً مُنحا الجائزة "لاكتشافاتهما المتعلقة بتعديلات القواعد النووية التي أتاحت التوصل إلى لقاحات فاعلة ضد كوفيد-19 قائمة على الحمض النووي الريبي المرسال".

وأضافت أن "الفائزَين ساهما بوتيرة لم يسبق لها مثيل في التوصل إلى لقاحات في خضمّ أحد أكبر التهديدات الصحية في العصر الحديث".

وسبق لكاريكو (68 عاماً) ووايسمان (64 عاماً) اللذين تجمعهما زمالة قديمة في جامعة بنسلفانيا أن نالا عدداً من الجوائز المرموقة عن أبحاثهما، من بينها عام 2021 جائزة "لاسكر" التي غالباً ما تُعدّ مقدمة لجائزة نوبل.

وبوقوع اختيارها على كاريكو ووايسمان، تكون لجنة نوبل شذّت عن توجهها المألوف المتمثل في منح الجائزة للأبحاث التي أجريت قبل عقود عدة.

تعود اكتشافات الباحثَين الحاسمة إلى عام 2005، في حين تولّت شركتا "فايزر/بايونتيك" و"موديرنا" تصنيع أول اللقاحات القائمة على الحمض النووي الريبي المرسال ضد كوفيد-19.

By Gaby Yazigi
  Globe University Guidance founder and GM

Choosing a major is one of the most significant decisions in one's academic journey. If you possess a genuine passion for animals and a desire to make a positive impact on their health and well-being, a veterinary major is a compelling career option. This article aims to highlight the reasons why choosing a veterinary major is both personally rewarding and important for society, as well as provide an overview of the job description.

Personal passion and fulfillment
Pursuing a veterinary major allows you to cultivate and nurture your love for animals. If you find yourself deeply connected with animals and derive joy and satisfaction from interacting with them, a career in veterinary medicine can be immensely fulfilling. Your passion will drive you to provide compassionate care while contributing to their overall wellness.

Varied career opportunities
A veterinary major opens the door to a wide range of career opportunities. Beyond the traditional roles of companion animal veterinarians, there are opportunities in research, public health, academia, food safety, wildlife conservation, and more. Whether your interest lies in private practice, wildlife rehabilitation, or laboratory research, the veterinary field offers diverse avenues to explore.

Active involvement in preventative care
Veterinarians play a crucial role in promoting animal welfare by emphasizing preventative care. Regular check-ups, vaccinations, and routine procedures are vital in keeping animals healthy and reducing the risk of diseases. Through these efforts, you help safeguard the well-being of individual animals and contribute to public health by controlling the spread of zoonotic diseases.

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Contributing to the human-animal bond
Animals hold a special place in our lives, bringing us joy, support, and companionship. As a veterinarian, you have the unique opportunity to foster and enhance the human-animal bond. By ensuring the health and happiness of animals, you positively impact the lives of their owners, leading to healthier and happier communities.

Education and lifelong learning
A veterinary major offers a rigorous and comprehensive education that challenges your analytical thinking skills, empathy, and problem-solving abilities. With advancements in veterinary medicine, staying up-to-date with the latest research and techniques is essential. This field provides constant learning opportunities and encourages professional growth throughout your career.

Job Description
Veterinarians are responsible for diagnosing, treating, and preventing diseases and injuries in animals. Their job encompasses a variety of tasks, including:
- Conducting physical examinations, collecting medical histories, and documenting animal health records.
- Diagnosing illnesses and injuries through various diagnostic tools, such as blood tests, x-rays, and ultrasounds.
- Administering vaccinations and medications.
- Performing surgeries and medical procedures, including spaying/neutering.
- Offering dietary and behavioral counseling to pet owners.
- Providing emergency care and critical care support.
- Collaborating with other veterinary professionals or specialists for complex cases.
- Conducting research to advance veterinary medicine.

Choosing a veterinary major offers a rewarding career path, allowing you to combine your passion for animals with your academic pursuits. By taking on the role of a veterinarian, you contribute to the well-being of animals, strengthen the human-animal bond, and make a positive impact on society as a whole. The veterinary field offers a vast range of career opportunities and the chance for lifelong learning, making it an excellent choice for animal lovers with a desire to serve.

By Gaby Yazigi
  Globe University Guidance founder and GM

Choosing the right university is crucial for students, as it sets the foundation for their academic and professional careers. The American University of Sharjah (AUS) stands as an exceptional choice for students seeking a world-class education in the heart of the United Arab Emirates. This article aims to highlight the reasons why students should consider AUS as their preferred destination for higher education.

Academic Excellence
AUS prides itself on offering academic programs of the highest quality. The university's faculty consists of experienced professors who are experts in their respective fields. By maintaining rigorous academic standards, AUS ensures that students receive a well-rounded education that prepares them to excel in their chosen disciplines.

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Accreditation and Recognition
AUS is accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education in the United States. This recognition assures students that they will be earning a degree from an institution that meets strict quality standards. Furthermore, AUS programs are also accredited by professional bodies, guaranteeing that graduates possess the necessary skills and knowledge for their future careers.

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Multicultural Campus Environment
AUS boasts a diverse and multicultural campus community, with students from over 90 nationalities studying together. This enriching environment promotes cross-cultural understanding and prepares students for success in an increasingly globalized world. The university prioritizes creating an inclusive atmosphere, fostering a sense of belonging and respect among its students.

State-of-the-Art Facilities
AUS provides students with access to modern and world-class facilities. The campus features state-of-the-art laboratories, libraries, and research centers equipped with the latest technologies. These resources enable students to engage in immersive learning experiences and conduct research that pushes the boundaries of knowledge.

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Career and Internship Opportunities
AUS maintains strong ties with industry leaders and provides students with ample opportunities for internships and career placements. The university's strong network of alumni, both in the UAE and internationally, opens doors to a wide range of professional prospects. AUS graduates are highly sought after by employers due to their exceptional academic training and practical experiences.

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Extracurricular Activities and Student Life
Apart from academics, AUS offers a vibrant campus life with numerous extracurricular activities and clubs for students. These opportunities allow students to develop their leadership skills, engage in community service, and explore their personal interests. Additionally, the university organizes cultural events, sports competitions, and artistic performances, offering a well-rounded university experience.
Choosing the right university is a significant decision, and the American University of Sharjah offers students compelling reasons to consider it as their educational destination. With its commitment to academic excellence, diverse and inclusive community, state-of-the-art facilities, and ample career prospects, AUS provides students with the necessary tools and resources to shape a successful future.

By Gaby Yazigi
  Globe University Guidance founder and GM

The American University of Beirut (AUB) is an institution that upholds a strong reputation for its exceptional academic programs, commitment to diversity, and its contribution to shaping future leaders. Choosing AUB for your higher education is a decision that can bring forth numerous benefits and open doors to a world of opportunities.
First and foremost, AUB boasts a long-standing heritage of academic excellence. Founded in 1866, it has a rich history of providing high-quality education to students from Lebanon and around the world. The university is recognized for its rigorous curriculum, renowned faculty members, and state-of-the-art facilities. AUB offers a wide range of disciplines, from engineering and sciences to humanities and social sciences, ensuring that students have the opportunity to explore their passions and develop a well-rounded skill set.

One of the key advantages of studying at AUB is the vibrant and diverse community it fosters. The university attracts students from different cultural, national, and socioeconomic backgrounds, creating an enriching multicultural environment. Interacting with peers who bring different perspectives, experiences, and ideas enriches the educational journey and prepares students to thrive in a globalized world. Additionally, the university promotes inclusivity and tolerance, nurturing an atmosphere of respect and acceptance.

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Moreover, AUB is dedicated to experiential learning and encourages students to apply theoretical knowledge through practical experiences. It offers a myriad of research opportunities, internships, and study abroad programs that allow students to engage directly with their fields of interest. These hands-on experiences further enhance their understanding, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills, preparing them for the challenges of the professional world.
The American University of Beirut (AUB) has been ranked as one of the world's top universities in the 2024 Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) World University Rankings (WUR) released on June 27, 2023. In its 20th edition, this most-consulted university ranking placed AUB at a tie for 226 globally (out of 1,499 published institutions), 5th in the Arab region, and #1 in Lebanon. Moreover, AUB moved up from the top 30 percent of ranked universities in 2016 to the top 15 percent this year; the best percentile for the university ever in the ranking's history.
Beyond academic pursuits, AUB provides an extensive array of extracurricular activities and student organizations. Whether it be cultural clubs, sports teams, or humanitarian initiatives, there are abundant opportunities for students to explore their passions and develop leadership skills outside the classroom. Engaging in such activities not only enhances personal growth but also facilitates networking and the formation of lifelong friendships.

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Additionally, AUB is situated in the vibrant city of Beirut, which adds to the allure of pursuing higher education at this institution. Beirut is known for its rich history, cultural diversity, and lively atmosphere. The city offers a vibrant art scene, a thriving nightlife, and a myriad of culinary delights. Studying at AUB gives students the chance to immerse themselves in this dynamic city, providing a unique blend of education, culture, and adventure.


AUB's dedication to community service and social impact adds tremendous value to the university experience. The institution actively encourages students to engage in volunteer work and contribute positively to society. This commitment to giving back instills a sense of social responsibility in students and equips them with the necessary skills to become compassionate and proactive citizens of the world.
In conclusion, choosing the American University of Beirut for higher education is a decision that offers a multitude of benefits. From its rich academic heritage and diverse community to its emphasis on experiential learning and social impact, AUB provides an exceptional platform for personal and intellectual growth. By studying at AUB, you will not only receive a world-class education but also have the opportunity to immerse yourself in a vibrant and culturally rich environment. The American University of Beirut is a transformative institution that can shape your future and equip you with the tools to make a positive impact on society.

By Gaby Yazigi
  Globe University Guidance founder and GM

In a rapidly changing world, where technological advancements are driving progress across various industries, pursuing a major in aeronautical engineering presents a plethora of thrilling prospects. Aeronautical engineering is the branch of mechanical engineering that deals with the design and development of aircraft. This can range from the cutting-edge technology of today's modern fighter aircraft, to aircraft designed to carry many hundreds of people thousands of miles around the world in comparative luxury and with extraordinary efficiency.
This article aims to explain why choosing aeronautical engineering as a major can be an exceptional decision and provide insights into some of the leading universities renowned for their excellence in this field.

Aeronautical Engineering: A Dynamic and Rewarding Field
Aeronautical engineering is an incredibly diverse and challenging field that combines science, mathematics, and engineering principles to design, develop, and improve aircraft and spacecraft. This major offers a unique blend of theoretical knowledge and practical applications, making it exciting for individuals passionate about flight and aerospace technology.

Expansive Career Opportunities
Pursuing a degree in aeronautical engineering opens doors to a wide array of career opportunities. Graduates can work in design, research and development, testing, manufacturing, aviation management, maintenance, and even astronautics. With the continual growth of the aerospace industry, aeronautical engineers are in high demand globally, making it a highly promising field for job prospects and advancements.

Impactful Contributions to Society
Aeronautical engineering plays a vital role in advancing our society, ensuring safe and efficient air travel, exploring space, and improving communication and satellite technology. By choosing this major, individuals have the opportunity to contribute to significant breakthroughs in aviation, sustainable energy solutions, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), and the future of space exploration.

Top Universities for Aeronautical Engineering
While there are numerous universities offering aeronautical engineering programs globally, a few stand out for their exceptional academic quality, research facilities, and industry collaborations. Some of the best universities for pursuing this major include:

a. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) - Renowned for its cutting-edge research and innovation, MIT offers an outstanding aeronautical engineering program. It boasts state-of-the-art laboratories, world-class faculty, and robust industry connections.


b. Stanford University - Known for its strong emphasis on interdisciplinary learning and research, Stanford University has a prestigious School of Engineering that offers a top-notch aeronautical engineering program. Their focus on hands-on experience and collaboration with industry leaders enhances student learning and opportunities.

c. California Institute of Technology (Caltech) - Highly regarded for its rigorous academic programs, Caltech provides an excellent aeronautical engineering program. With an emphasis on fundamentals and critical thinking, Caltech equips students to analyze complex problems and develop innovative solutions.

d. University of Cambridge - Considered one of the premier institutions globally, the University of Cambridge offers an exceptional aeronautical engineering program. Its industry collaborations, high-quality teaching, and cutting-edge research facilities contribute to producing skilled graduates sought after by leading aerospace companies worldwide.
C. The Aircraft Maintenance Engineering Program at the university of Balamand in Lebanon, is designed to prepare local youth for entry into a challenging and exciting technological profession, one moreover that at the present time desperately needs recruits. The AME Program covers all areas of expertise needed for individuals to become licensed to help maintain the aircraft of any one of the many fleets possessed by regional companies.

d. Amity University Dubai offers a Bachelor of Technology (Aerospace Engineering) degree that provides students with a strong foundation in the design, construction, and scientific principles underlying the physical properties and forces of aircraft, drones, rockets, and other flying crafts.
Pursuing a major in aeronautical engineering offers an opportunity to be at the forefront of technological advancements in aviation and space exploration. With the potential for exciting careers and significant contributions to society, this field provides a challenging yet fulfilling educational journey. Institutions like MIT, Stanford, Caltech, and Cambridge represent a few of the universities that excel in offering world-class aeronautical engineering programs. By selecting this major and attending one of these prestigious universities,students can embark on a rewarding pathway towards shaping the future of aerospace technology.
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